Friday, October 17, 2008

Where to change PWA administrator account ?

When you do a PWA migration to another environment, you will find the PWA can't be access by account of new environment. Once you want to change it from SharePoint central administration, you will find the PWA owner place is gray which is not able to be changed.

Actually, the PWA account control is not belongs to SharePoint management, it is still within Project control area. I have ever tried to find the owner information from the SharePoint Project content db and Config db but failed, I also spend couple minutes to search it from those 4 Project DB (Draft, Achieve, Published and Reporting) but still can't. If you know where it is specific table to hold, please put comment to let me know. I would appreciate of you.

Here is the steps:
  1. You will have to open http://yoursite/PWA by the previous administrator account which was created by project server procedure. If you can see the [Site Action] in the page left upper corner, that means you have rights to handle.
  2. You want to click [Server Settings] in left quick launch panel, click [Manage Users] under Security panel. You will find the administrator account in new opened page and you may create a new user with assign administrators Security Group for maximum the user rights.

Now by sign in a different user, you will have all the rights to control new PWA site collection.


Ahmed Amin said...

have you found it ever

Teddy Yu said...

No, never found it.